Club Soda
Low Dose Hemp Sodas

Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Low dose hemp beverages
Discover the best tasting THC soda on the market
Sugar-free and alcohol-free, Squared Club Soda features a flavorless, odorless, and pleasantly bubbly experience. Now you can replace all those cans of designer carbonated water in your life thanks to Squared Club Soda’s crisp, clean taste and gently euphoric effects.
Sugar-free and alcohol-free, Squared Club Soda features a flavorless, odorless, and pleasantly bubbly experience. Now you can replace all those cans of designer carbonated water in your life thanks to Squared Club Soda’s crisp, clean taste and gently euphoric effects.
If you haven’t tried a Hemp Delta-9 THC beverage before, you’re probably pretty curious about how it’s going to make you feel? The most common question we get asked is, “How does drinking a can of Squared compare to drinking alcohol?”.
While there isn’t really an apples-to-apples comparison between the effects of Hemp Delta-9 THC and alcohol, what we can tell you, is that Squared THC drinks have been designed to provide an enjoyable elevation that comes on within 10-15 minutes (similar to alcohol) and that lasts for approximately an hour. This allows you to control your experience more closely and avoids any “stacking” issues that may come along with drinking several cans in a single session.
The most notable benefit is the full-bodied feeling Squared delivers. It’s the ideal way to relax and revitalize your mind after a long day or to make the most of your day off. Consumers have also reported beneficial effects that include, mood enhancement, calmness, relaxation, and improved quality of sleep.
We proudly stamp all our products with the ‘Powered by Rexis’ seal. This means that we use the most advanced infusion technology on the planet to ensure every can of Squared contains the highest quality in both flavor and function.
Rexis’ groundbreaking Hydro-FiberTM technology is 100% water soluble and is completely odorless and tasteless. This allows us to produce consistently delicious flavor profiles not achievable with other technologies, like nano emulsions, which tend to have a bitter flavor and oily mouthfeel. Our products are also more shelf stable, losing less than 6% efficacy within the first 6 months, and 4-5 times more effective upon consumption. This translates to a consumer experience more closely aligned with the dosage on the front of the can.
In addition, we’re able to achieve the quick onset (within 15 mins) and offset (about 60 mins) of an uplifting and euphoric effect that is more akin to consuming flower. This is because our technology is processed through the mouth, and not during first-pass digestion like edibles, which tend to create a heavier more sedative experience that can sometimes last for hours.
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